I am a UX Designer and Researcher that relies on passion to learn, create and understand the users I wants to reach. Empathy and maintaining an open mind is important to the design process. I am a dedicated explorer in the field of human interaction. Teamwork is a key source of my design process, having optimistic minds around me makes my research stronger. Curiosity, critical and creative thinking is a specialty of mine that helps me problem solve.

Tenacity is a trait I possess that allows me to focus on new problems I may not be accustomed to. Feedback whether positive or negative teaches me very important lessons about my research moving forward. Communication is a key part of my design process. The more my clients understand about their projects the better the product will become. The design choices I choose for my projects are always able to be explained in a simplistic nature so that anyone will be able to grasp the concept and reasoning behind it.
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